W.J. Blanchard (John Senior)
Founder of Melbourne Auto Air and JAYAIR
W.J. Blanchard (John senior) overcame incredible frustrations and odds to open up condenser supply lines from Taiwan and single handedly overhauled the way condensers were sold, priced and fitted in Australia, especially in the smash repair industry.
He was raised in a house next to his fathers garage and spent most of time after school working in the garage. He worked his way through sales and service positions with companies such as New Holland and Kenworth and became account supervisor and sales engineer with Lockheed and Girling.
In 1974 he took a position with Inchcape UK working in Malaysia at a motor vehicle assembly plant. John Senior returned to Australia in 1976 to start his own business.
He build his own factory in 1983 in Bulleen. In 1985 Melbourne Auto Air was born. It wasnt easy. John sunk his life savings and family home into the business.
In 1986 John senior went to Taiwan to look for a company that can make condensers. He went through hell and high water to manage the supply and import of condensers, eventually establishing a Melbourne Auto Air office in Taiwan.
Other milestones include: 1990 – They introduced the industrys first pictorial catalogue of condensers and moved to new premises in Box Hill. By now MAA has a reputation of being able to source factory replacement parts from anywhere. 1994 – they became original equipment supplier to Mazda Australia, followed by Kia Motors. 1999 – the company launched the JAYAIR brand of products