New regional training series kicks off in Adelaide
- PostedPublished 29 October 2013
Technicians from across South Australia downed tools for the day on Saturday October 19 to attend the first in a series of new VASA regional training events.
The pre-summer session on Advanced HVAC Diagnostics, conducted by respected trainer Grant Hand (pictured), was held at the head office of the Royal Automobile Association (RAA) in Adelaide.
Grant delivered a comprehensive nine hour presentation, covering everything from pressure/temperature and enthalpy analysis to mechanically and electronically variable compressors and electronic control systems.
The 18 attendees (VASA members and their guests) received detailed workbooks, cut-away sample components and practical evaluation opportunities using Grant’s simulator units and a climate controlled system on a late model Holden.
They are now armed with the information they need to take on and diagnose pretty much any HVAC system problem they are faced with.
VASA would like to thank the RAA and staff members Alby Martin, Mark Andrews, Craig Scrimshaw and Shaun Osterstock for making the facility available for the day, cooking a great BBQ lunch and helping organise the event.
A big thanks also to Grant Hand for creating a comprehensive day’s training program and delivering it in his dynamic, no nonsense fashion.
Congratulations to all the attendees and their employers who saw the value in supporting this high quality training at a critical time leading up to the hot summer ahead.
This event was the first in a series of new regional training sessions VASA plans to conduct over the next 12 months. If the success of this event is anything to go by, they will be strongly supported.
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