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DuPont responds to Daimler/Mercedes Benz R1234yf announcement

Following the recent press release from Daimler/Mercedes Benz regarding their concerns with the use of refrigerant HFO1234yf, VASA has now received a response from DuPont which follows. DuPont (September 28, 2012) Based on extensive data, and on independent risk assessments, HFO-1234yf can be used safely as an automotive refrigerant. DuPont was surprised to read the Continue reading DuPont responds to Daimler/Mercedes Benz R1234yf announcement

VASA welcomes new license offences

The noose is tightening on backyard workshops and technicians who attempt to handle fluorocarbon refrigerants (R134a in automotive’s case) without either the skills or the necessary license or authorisation. Some of the new amendments to the Act which governs the licensing scheme have been circulated to industry by the Australian Refrigeration Council. Council chairman Mark Continue reading VASA welcomes new license offences

If you intend to dabble in flammables, you must be licensed to retrofit an R134a system

If you listen to the pitch of some hydrocarbon sales people, a workshop might be lulled into false security by their oft repeated claim “Buy our refrigerant and you don’t have to go through that pesky and costly national licence procedure.” VASA has been notified of a number of cases around Australia where mostly larger Continue reading If you intend to dabble in flammables, you must be licensed to retrofit an R134a system