Tag: Batteries

We may never see an EV battery pack capable of providing a million-mile (1.6 million km) range, but one capable of enough discharge and recharge cycles to carry a vehicle this huge distance could become available as soon as next year, according to Tesla. The main benefit of this battery technology could be to help Continue reading Mooted million-mile battery pack could be electric truck game-changer

TOYOTA is forecasting substantial growth in the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) market and, as a result, is set to expand its hydrogen hardware production facilities. Currently, Toyota sells 3000 FCEVs a year but, by 2020, it expects that figure to have climbed to in excess of 30,000 – because, in part, it plans to Continue reading Toyota doubles down on fuel cells

Panasonic is reportedly developing lithium batteries that require half the current quantity of cobalt. The new battery designs are motivated by the increasing cost of cobalt, and the potential threat of shortages, which have come about as a result of surging demand for lithium-ion batteries.  The battery production industry, which reportedly consumed 51 per cent Continue reading Panasonic tackles soaring cobalt costs

Plugging in an electric car to charge

Within five years the batteries used to power electric cars will hold twice as much energy, at half the cost compared with today, according to Bosch chairman Volkmar Denner. Exponential advances in battery technology will make electric cars more affordable and viable for everyday use, accelerating their uptake, while hybrids and plug-in hybrids will become Continue reading EV battery capacity to double for half the cost by 2020