Proposals for a PFAS ban that conflicts with the finalisation of European Union F-Gas regulations have raised significant concerns among various stakeholders. Current drafts of these regulations pose a threat to global air-conditioning and refrigeration market as it works to integrate new-generation refrigerants and technologies aimed at combating climate change. The proposed PFAS ban: Known … Continue reading Europe makes progress on conflicting PFAS ban and F-Gas phase-out regulations
Tag: F-Gas
PFAS proposals and F-gas revisions in the European Union threaten to cause serious challenges, and industry groups are urging their members to promptly alert legislators to these issues. Current drafts of the European F-gas regulation amendment and the suggested PFAS revisions pose a threat to the existence of many air-conditioning refrigeration systems, including those using … Continue reading European industry faces tough PFAS and F-gas restrictions
- TagsEU, Europe, F-Gas, HFC phase down, HFC phasedown, HFCs, PFAS
Scale of Europe’s illegal refrigerant trade revealed, but not all bad news An audit carried out by the Norwegian Environment Agency has revealed widespread breaches of F-gas regulations, according to UK specialist outlet Cooling Post. The agency carried out an audit of 20 heat pump distributors and discovered that more than half violated F-gas regulations. … Continue reading F-Gas breaches remain rife in Europe
Expert committee denounces lack of EC response to illegal, hazardous refrigerant import A new committee established to tackle the challenges of fluorinated greenhouse gas (F-gas) regulations has slated the European Commission’s handling of illegal refrigerants. The ‘Initiative Coolektiv’, which is led by experts from companies such as Honeywell, Chemours and Westfalen, states that refrigerants equivalent … Continue reading Illegal refrigerant trade soldiers on
Australia’s federal government must consider emerging issues in Europe concerning refrigerant stockpiling and the need for accurate data as Australia moves towards an HFC phase-down. The government is expected to look to the EU as the model for fluorinated gas regulation aimed at dramatically reducing F-gas emissions – the target there being two thirds of … Continue reading Australia must learn from massive HFC stockpile prompted by EU F-Gas regulation
- TagsEU, Europe, F-Gas, Regulatory, SightGlass News Issue 6