Technical & Training

Training and technical networking is one of the major benefits of being a member of VASA. Members have access to specialised training and to a range of experts either at the training level or simply through the member network. Some training courses are offered by VASA or through associate providers such as The Automotive Technician (TaT). Some of these courses are free of charge, some offer member discounts.
VASA’s biggest single training event is the biannual Wire & Gas Training Convention and Trade Show.
This event features top trainers and industry experts from Australasia and overseas, with the information gained, and the contacts made, during these events invaluable to members.
On this website, available only to members of VASA, are all seven volumes of the Registered Technicians Program, developed exclusively by a special VASA technical committee and written by unquestionably Australia’s foremost trainer in air-conditioning repair and practice, Grant Hand of Automotive Training Solutions, Adelaide.
These documents represent the bible of air conditioning repair and retrofit for Australia and New Zealand. Members can download any number of technical papers, which are becoming particularly useful in the training of young technicians.
There is no other resource like this in Australia or New Zealand.
Thanks to the affiliation between VASA and MACS, the biggest aftermarket air conditioning association in the world, based in America, VASA members can access the regular technical papers prepared by MACS experts. Some of the information may not be relevant to the Australian and New Zealand market, but it makes fascinating reading for all technicians.
Information on upcoming VASA training events is published on this website and VASA’s email newsletters