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VASA always searching for new blood

VASA, like most voluntary organisations in this high speed world, must work harder to grow its membership and encourage more young people to consider taking an active role in the company’s management and direction.

Fortunately, VASA has always had a strong board of dedicated directors. While some of the original directors have left the industry, those who remain have been involved for many years in the administration and policy setting of both VASA and the former Australian Association of Automotive Electricians.

As many of the original directors become more involved in the growth of their own businesses, the time they can devote voluntarily to an industry organisation becomes harder to find.

The board is trying to encourage younger technicians to take an interest in the management of the company.

VASA expects that volunteers will give their time and expertise freely to their network but they will not have to fund their travel to carry out meeting duties.

Serving can be a great experience for a young VASA member.

The VASA board of directors meets a minimum of four times every year, with email meetings in between. If a major convention or training event is being planned, a special Wire & Gas committee will meet more regularly.

Other committees which might be formed for specific purposes will meet only when required.

Director’s opinions are sought on a range of questions from industry bodies and, while most of these routine duties are handled by the secretariat and CEO, some issues are referred to directors for comment.

There are opportunities for directors and indeed ordinary members, to attend government briefings and meetings of other key bodies in the industry, and this can be an informative and interesting experience.

While directors have a legal obligation to avoid using their position for commercial gain, working for an association such as VASA can be an educational experience for new directors or committee members.

The exposure to industry leaders to various points of view can help to develop a better business sense and a wider vision of their industry.

Members are encouraged to consider putting their names forward for management roles in VASA.

Interested members are encouraged to phone one of the sitting directors to find out how they can become more involved.

Any member can nominate for the Board of Directors at any time of the year. A form is available at

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