HVACR sector saving the planet, one refrigerant cylinder at a time
- PostedPublished 29 July 2019
UNDER the stewardship scheme operated by Refrigerant Reclaim Australia (RRA), the nation’s HVACR sector has prevented refrigerant emissions equivalent to more than 15 tonnes of carbon dioxide since 1993.
To put it another way, this amount of CO2 would fill more than 10 ballons the size of Earth.
Australia is a world leader in recovering, reclaiming and destroying surplus and unwanted refrigerants. “We’ve essentially taken 3 million cars off the road, or offset the emissions of one million households,” said RRA general manager Kylie Farrelley.

“We are extremely proud of this achievement and congratulate our industry on all the work that has been done,” she added.
“Thanks to the efforts of the global refrigeration and air-conditioning community, the ozone layer has continued to recover. It is predicted that the Antarctic ozone hole will have healed by 2060, reducing harmful UV radiation.”
But Ms Farreley said much more can, and needs, to be done.
“The rate of recovery effectiveness in Australia is estimated at 49 per cent, meaning that there is still much that could be done to further reduce global warming emissions. The onus of recovery still rests on contractors to return refrigerants for destruction,” she explained.
“Whilst many do the right thing, it is apparent not everyone is aware of or complies with the legislation. Due to this, substantial quantities of high global warming potential refrigerants still escape, impacting on the environment and our way of life.”
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