VASA regional training comes to Adelaide
- PostedPublished 17 September 2013
VASA is pleased to announce the first in a series of regional training events – bringing top class trainers to cities and towns around Australia.
The first will be the VASA Advanced Automotive Air Conditioning Diagnostic course, presented by Automotive Training Solutions’ Grant Hand at Mile End in Adelaide on Saturday 19 October (from 8am – 5pm).

Grant is regarded as one of Australia’s leading trainers in climate control systems and electronics. He will present a full day of comprehensive training that will provide participants with the opportunity to become fully conversant with modern air conditioning system operation and analysis.
This tax deductible event is open to members and non-members of VASA.
Members can use their (once a year) training rebate to save $150 on the full cost of the event – making it just $149 (+GST). This does not apply to members who attended Wire & Gas 2013 (where their training rebate has already been applied).
Non-members joining VASA before registering for the event will also receive a rebate – reducing their price to $200 (+GST), plus the cost of Service Centre membership ($360 +GST). Click here for a membership application form.
We encourage everyone to attend this special training event.
Click here for more information and a registration form for the event.
If paying by EFT, please ensure you include an identifying payment reference.
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