Tag: Glenn Evans

ARC Insights: Don’t fear the audit!

We often talk about the fear of the unknown, and rarely are such fears more unfounded than when an ARCtick licence holder is preparing for an audit, especially their first audit.  Officially these audits are called permit condition checks, and their purpose is to ensure that holders of a Refrigerant Trading Authorisation (RTA) are complying Continue reading ARC Insights: Don’t fear the audit!

With Australian Refrigeration Council CEO Glenn Evans As a member of VASA, you no doubt know about the ARCtick licensing scheme for Australia’s climate control industry – you most likely hold an ARCtick refrigerant handling licence (RHL) or refrigerant trading authorisation (RTA). The automotive sector has more than 32,000 RHLs and well over 10,000 RTAs Continue reading Inside ARC: A look at licensing and environmental Initiatives