Tag: Kigali Amendment

Patrick Mclnerney, a significant figure in Australian environmental diplomacy and particularly the management of refrigerants, passed away less than two weeks before his 61st birthday. For years, Patrick was a stalwart presence at Montreal Protocol meetings, leading Australia’s delegation with his well-considered and balanced contributions to what remains the most effective and successful global environmental Continue reading Vale Patrick Mclnerney

New regulations and permit schemes in the works New Zealand environment minister David Parker has announced that the country will delay its ratification of the Kigali Amendment by 12 months. The year-long hiatus is to allow New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to carry out the required health and safety amendments before ratification Continue reading NZ to ratify Kigali in late 2019

A staggering 32 executives from HVAC and refrigeration companies have written to US President Donald Trump and urged him to ratify the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. The letter, which was copied to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, represented the views of companies such as Honeywell, Chemours, Dow Chemical, Ingersoll Rand, Arkema and Fujitsu Continue reading US wavers on Kigali

European Union submission to the Montreal Protocol amendment

There has been a lot of promising progress toward a global phase-down of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol in recent months, with just a couple of spanners in the works. Many are hopeful that an international agreement will be forged his year with the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol meeting Continue reading Global HFC phase-down progress