Tag: Webinar

VASA president Brett Meads is presenting a three-part TaT webinar series called Essential Mobile AC Principles, with a substantial discount for VASA members. The first part, Heat exchange and change of state will have already taken place by the time this bulletin goes out, but part two (Sub-cooling and super-heating in an AC system) and Continue reading Brett Meads delivers TaT webinar series

Worldpac World Community

A series of free online automotive air-conditioning webinars that took place in early June are now available to view online. Topics covered include system diagnosis, variable displacement compressors and the future of refrigerants, delivered by Michael Ingvardsen, who is president of VASA’s continental counterpart MACSPartners Europe and technical training manager at Nissens Automotive. Among the Continue reading Recordings of free auto-AC webinars now online

AAAA COVID-19 Webinars

AAAA COVID-19 webinars

The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association produces excellent, informative webinars to help its members navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and related government support. AAAA has kindly agreed to share these webinars with VASA members through the members-only section of the VASA website. VASA will update this page every time a new webinar is posted. Please also see Continue reading AAAA COVID-19 webinars

Worldpac Training Institute (WTI)

A series of free online webinars about automotive air-conditioning system diagnosis, variable displacement compressors and the future of refrigerants will be delivered in early June by Michael Ingvardsen, who is president of VASA’s continental counterpart MACSPartners Europe and technical training manager at Nissens Automotive. The webinars is part of a broader initiative organised by Worldpac Continue reading Free auto-AC webinars for night owls: June 2-4