A column by VASA President Brett Meads You could be forgiven for thinking the following is a crude attempt at satire, perhaps even sarcasm – or maybe a bad dream – however, you would be wrong. This is a bizarre set of circumstances, with long-term negative environmental consequences, thanks to a sad omission by those … Continue reading Lack of restriction on high-GWP mobile air-conditioning refrigerants in Australia: A missed opportunity
Tag: Brett Meads
VASA president Brett Meads is presenting a three-part TaT webinar series called Essential Mobile AC Principles, with a substantial discount for VASA members. The first part, Heat exchange and change of state has already taken place but part two (Sub-cooling and super-heating in an AC system) and part three (A multi-refrigerant fleet) respectively take place … Continue reading Still time to catch Brett Meads webinars
- Tagsair-conditioning, Brett Meads, TaT, Training
Brett Meads (2022-present) As VASA celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, it’s quite an interesting exercise to reflect on just how much change our industry has undergone, and how those changes have influenced the professionalism of those working on the humble motor car. While 1993 saw the official birth of VASA as an industry association, … Continue reading VASA presidents reflect on the association’s first 30 years
VASA president Brett Meads is presenting a three-part TaT webinar series called Essential Mobile AC Principles, with a substantial discount for VASA members. The first part, Heat exchange and change of state will have already taken place by the time this bulletin goes out, but part two (Sub-cooling and super-heating in an AC system) and … Continue reading Brett Meads delivers TaT webinar series
- TagsBrett Meads, TaT, Training, Webinar
By Brett Meads VASA VP Hi, my name is Brett. Thanks for taking the time to read my column – I really appreciate it. I hope you find it useful. Let me be clear on two things. Firstly, on a bang-for-your-buck scale, nothing beats introducing yourself. Secondly, most people just won’t do it. Specifically, I … Continue reading Introduce yourself
By Brett Meads VASA VP Like me, you would have grown up hearing the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none”. Almost without exception, this was used in a negative way, to illustrate how poorly you might have performed at a particular chore, with the suggestion that applying yourself to a multitude of tasks … Continue reading Jack (or Jill) of all trades