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VASA members scoop Australian Auto Aftermarket Awards

A NUMBER of VASA members were among the proud recipients of prestigious Australian Auto Aftermarket Awards, held at the Crown Casino in Melbourne before an audience of 850 people. CoolDrive Auto Parts founder John Blanchard Senior (pictured below) was inducted into the Australian Auto Aftermarket Association Hall of Fame. In his acceptance speech, JB Senior Continue reading VASA members scoop Australian Auto Aftermarket Awards

Dr Imogen Reid from Women in Automotive Australia

An additional round of scholarship funding has been allocated for women in male-dominated sectors, with a particular emphasis on automotive. Women & Leadership Australia is administering a national initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s automotive sector, providing women with grants of between $3,000 and $7,000 to enable participation in a range Continue reading More Women in Leadership funding available

Big shake-up of NZ training sector proposed

A PROPOSED national NZ Institute of Skills and Technology would take command of programme design, administration and enrolments for 16 polytechnic campuses and 11 industry training organisations (ITO) around New Zealand. ITOs would be replaced by employer-led Industry Skills Bodies that have no training management responsibility but would be in charge of setting standards and Continue reading Big shake-up of NZ training sector proposed

Cautious welcome for Australian government’s repair information sharing consultation paper

THE Australian federal government has released consultation paper about mandating the sharing of vehicle service and repair information between car companies and independent repairers. Although this step toward a mandatory code has been broadly welcomed, the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association has voiced concerns about the “language used throughout the consultation paper that relate to “exclusions” Continue reading Cautious welcome for Australian government’s repair information sharing consultation paper

Michael Bennett steps down from RRA GM role, elected chair of ARC board

REFRIGERANT Reclaim Australia general manager Michael Bennett has stepped aside from the leadership role, having steered one of the world’s most successful and effective refrigerant stewardship operations since 1993. Mr Bennett will remain involved with specific RRA projects and support his successor as they take the helm in early 2019. He will also head a Continue reading Michael Bennett steps down from RRA GM role, elected chair of ARC board